21 Mar 2020

Saving the World - by fixing the economic system : The pdf version of my blog (2010-2019)

My blog is now pretty huge, with over 600 posts since I started it in October 2010. It's been visited over 540,000 times, which seems pretty impressive for someone who is a complete amateur!

Every now and then I use a site called BlogBooker that allows me to convert the whole thing into an editable Word file. I can then clean it up (correct some of the typos for example), and then use Word to generate a pdf file that can be downloaded.

The final pdf version is actually quite handy because it comes with a complete index at the front - the index alone is some 18 pages! Furthermore,  all the links are clickable, meaning that, most of the times, you can find the sources of the information I used when writing the blog (except, of course, if the site has since disappeared).

I recently generated a new version that includes everything that I have posted between October 2010 and the end of 2019.

The file is an impressive 35 Mbytes, 862 pages, and nearly 400,000 words!

Actually, I can't imagine any normal person actually reading the whole thing, although it could be an option for those of you stuck at home because of the Corona Virus epidemic! An alternative to binging on Breaking Bad!

But since the pdf file is searchable, it means you should easily be able to find information about specific things - volumes of financial transactions, levels of public sector debt, the cost of interest payments etc etc.

You can download it with the following link.

I must admit that, when I go back over the hundreds of posts I have generated, I am quite surprised to see how rare it is that I think I got something wrong. Quite a lot of the posts involve me updating information with more up to date information.

There are a large number of propositions for how we might save the world by fixing the economic system - which explains the books title. It might well be a good idea for me to list all those ideas, and try and say which I think should have the highest priority. But in general, most of the ideas are things that could be tried at the same time.

What seems particularly clear to me is that, if we want to save our planet, and leave a world where our descendents can live happy and fulfilling lives, we really have to start discussing all our options now - before it is too late.

If my blog can give people a few ideas to discuss it will have achieved one of my main objectives.

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