18 Aug 2012

Latest Youtube Presentation : How the Eurozone Countries could fix the Global Economic Crisis

I have just uploaded a new 14 minute Youtube presentation entitled "How the Eurozone Countries could fix the Global Economic Crisis". I hope you like it. As always, please feel free to leave comments. I will try to answer them all.

The presentation takes up the themes that have been foremost in my mind in recent weeks. Specifically, I argue that the Eurozone countries could act together to provide a solution to the global economic crisis. The basic cause of much of the current mess is the money creation mechanism . Commercial banks currently have a virtual monopoly on money creation and, in recent years, they have been creating trillions of euros in debt by creating money out of thin air, lending that "money" to governments, businesses and individuals, and then charging interest on those loans. Governments are currently paying hundreds of billions a year in interest charges - thus crippling the economy.

I present some of my recent simple numerical demonstrations to show that such a system simply can never be made to work in the interests of the general population - economic power will inevitably end up with those who control the creation of the money supply - i.e. private bankers in the current system.

I argue that, if the 17 eurozone governments acted together, then could ban money creation by private banks, and require all new money to be created debt-free via the ECB. I propose that the money created this way could be distributed between the 17 countries pro-rata as a function of the size of each countries population.

A key advantage would be that the Eurozone economy would no longer have the inbuilt inflation required in currency areas where the creation of the money supply requires interest to be paid. This would make Euros very attractive relative to other currencies which are forced to continuously devalue. As a result, the ECB could create large quantities of Euros without risking inflation - thus providing a massive boost to the Eurozone economies.

I suggest that once a major currency block like the Eurozone has switched to debt-free money creation, it is highly probable that other currencies zones would be compelled to follow - thus ridding the world of the millstone of debt-based money creation.

You can find the video on my Youtube Video Site, or by clicking directly on the player below.


  1. @font-face {
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    1. Especially in German speaking Europe money reform has been
    an issue for years.: http://www.monetative.de and:http://www.geldmitsystem.org/

    In Switzerland:


    And a rather
    unknown Dutch organisation: http://www.fairbanking.nl/

    Wikipedia has a list of monetary reformers:


    Have a look at this:


    Confirming your idea that the press in in the pockets of the
    banks is that the original post on Youtube was removed.

    This message now appears:


    This video is no longer available because the YouTube account
    associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party
    notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:

    • Banco
    de Sabadell S.A.

    • Spiegel

    • Ippen
    Digital GmbH & Co KG"

    If you want see more German money reformers search for
    "geldschöpfung" on the web and youtube.

    Here is a list of publications: www.dieterb.de/newmoney/texte

    2. This will probably interest you:

    https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2012/wp12202.pdf a
    paper by 2 economists who are –rather surprisingly- working for the IMF.

    They will be speaking at the next conference of the
    American Monetary Institute in September:


    Article about this paper in the Handelsblatt:


  2. 1. Especially in German speaking Europe money reform has been
    an issue for years.: http://www.monetative.de and:http://www.geldmitsystem.org/

    In Switzerland:


    And a rather
    unknown Dutch organisation: http://www.fairbanking.nl/

    Wikipedia has a list of monetary reformers:


    Have a look at this:


    Confirming your idea that the press in in the pockets of the
    banks is that the original post on Youtube was removed.

    This message now appears:


    This video is no longer available because the YouTube account
    associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party
    notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:

    • Banco
    de Sabadell S.A.

    • Spiegel

    • Ippen
    Digital GmbH & Co KG"

    If you want see more German money reformers search for
    "geldschöpfung" on the web and youtube.

    Here is a list of publications: www.dieterb.de/newmoney/texte

    2. This will probably interest you:

    https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2012/wp12202.pdf a
    paper by 2 economists who are –rather surprisingly- working for the IMF.

    They will be speaking at the next conference of the
    American Monetary Institute in September:


    Article about this paper in the Handelsblatt:


  3. 1. Especially in German speaking Europe money reform has been an issue for years.: http://www.monetative.de and:http://www.geldmitsystem.org/

    In Switzerland:


    And a rather unknown Dutch organisation: http://www.fairbanking.nl/

    Wikipedia has a list of monetary reformers:


    Have a look at this:


    Confirming your idea that the press in in the pockets of the banks is that the original post on Youtube was removed.

    This message now appears:


    This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:

    • Banco de Sabadell S.A.

    • Spiegel TV

    • Ippen Digital GmbH & Co KG"

    If you want see more German money reformers search for "geldschöpfung" on the web and youtube.

    Here is a list of publications: www.dieterb.de/newmoney/texte

    2. This will probably interest you:

    https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2012/wp12202.pdf a paper by 2 economists who are –rather surprisingly- working for the IMF.

    They will be speaking at the next conference of the American Monetary Institute in September:


    Article about this paper in the Handelsblatt:


  4. Something slightly strange has been happening with the comments. Someone, I don't know who, left a comment that reached me by email. I'm posting it here myself because it is very useful and provides a lot of information about the development of new monetary ideas in the German speaking world. I was aware that there was interest, but my inability to understand German has limited my ability to assimilate the material. But, for example, I had already noted that the very first version of Stephen Zarlenga's superb "The Lost Science of Money" was a German translation published in 1999.

    Anyway, here's the post I got.

    1. Especially in German speaking Europe money reform has been
    an issue for years.: http://www.monetative.de and:http://www.geldmitsystem.org/

    In Switzerland:
    And a rather unknown Dutch organisation: http://www.fairbanking.nl/

    Wikipedia has a list of monetary reformers:

    Have a look at this:

    Confirming your idea that the press in in the pockets of the banks is that the original post on Youtube was removed.

    This message now appears:

    This video is no longer available because the YouTube account
    associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party
    notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:

    • Banco
    de Sabadell S.A.
    • Spiegel
    • Ippen
    Digital GmbH & Co KG"

    If you want see more German money reformers search for
    "geldschöpfung" on the web and youtube.

    Here is a list of publications: www.dieterb.de/newmoney/texte

    2. This will probably interest you:
    https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2012/wp12202.pdf a
    paper by 2 economists who are –rather surprisingly- working for the IMF.

    They will be speaking at the next conference of the American Monetary Institute in September:

    Article about this paper in the Handelsblatt:
