
13 Jan 2019

My proposals for the "Grand Debat National" in France 5. Get the ECB to pay citizens directly

My other post earlier today looked at the €2.54 trillion that Mario Draghi and his friends at the European Central Bank have pumped into the financial markets since March 2015. They have now decided to stop the money machine - because apparently they have had the desired effect. Inflation is back around the 2% level. But while I'm sure Eurozone citizens are delighted with the good news that at long last inflation is back (!!) I think that that many of them have other things on their minds at the moment;

But if Emmanuel Macron really wanted to prove that he was on the side of the French Citizens, and not playing for the super rich and the investment bankers who he used to work for (he worked for Rothschilds for four years starting in  September 2008, and was a Bildeberg meeting attendee in 2014), there is a simple solution.

He should start lobbying hard to force the European Central Bank to switch their money creation machine back on. But this time, instead of pumping up the financial markets, they should be putting that freshly created money directly into the pockets of Eurozone citizens.

I am personally terrified that the forthcoming European Parliament elections will see a massive increase in the number of anti Europe candidates and parties. There is a real risk that the whole European Project will explode in mid flight.

Macron has been trying to put himself forward as the person who could lead Europe (and indeed the world) out of the neoliberal quagmire that we are in.

My proposal offers a way for Emmanuel Macron to do just that. If he did, he would satisfy the Gilet Jaune movement, and at the same time he would save Europe.

Yes, I believe that he could do it.

But is he listening?

In principle, the whole "Grand National Debate" idea is precisely to allow French citizens like me to make novel and interesting suggestions.

In one afternoon, I have provided a set of 5 such ideas. Emmanuel, if you want to talk with me about any of these ideas, I'm happy to come and talk with you about them.

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