
5 Jul 2015

A personal thankyou to the Greek people

The financial system has declared war on the Greek people. They have been forced to close their banks by the European Central Bank, led by ex-Goldman Sachs banker, Mario Draghi, despite the fact that the ECB's primary function is to make sure that the banks stay open.

But the Greek people have stood up to the Bankers and their defenders at the head of the ECB and the European Union.  Even the IMF has admitted that debt forgiveness should be part of the deal. But that was never on the table.

The Greek people have a fight on with the Financial System. And they have just said "NO!" to blackmail with a majority that should be at least 60% of the vote. 

But the fact is that Greece's fight is everyone's fight.

As I have been saying loud and clear, Europe's taxpayers now own the Banking system over €12 trillion. We have borrowed no less than €7.8 trillion in the last 20 years, of which at least 86% (€6.7 trillion) was handed over in interest charges on public sector debt. In the UK at least, nearly 98% of those interest payments go directly to the financial sector.

In the last three months, my own government in France has borrowed another €51.6 billion.  Remember this is the same François Hollande who,  in January 2012 said : "je vais vous dire qui est mon adversaire, mon véritable adversaire. Il n’a pas de nom, pas de visage, pas de parti, il ne présentera jamais sa candidature, il ne sera donc pas élu, et pourtant il gouverne. Cet adversaire, c’est le monde de la finance".

Here's a translation : "I will tell you who is my adversary, my real adversary. He has no name, no face, no party, he will never be a candidate, will never be elected, and yet he governs. This adversary, is the world of finance".

Spot on François! But what have you done since being elected president to take on "your real adversary"?

Fortunately, the Greek people have had the courage to say no. And they deserve enormous respect.
The Bankers and their minions will fight like crazy to keep their racket going. A racket that means that Commercial Bankers have complete control over lending to our governments, and which has allowed them to suck trillions of taxpayers' money out of the system. Thanks to the brilliant Maastrict and Lisbon treaties, our central banks are prevented from lending directly to governments.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

First, the Greeks could create an alternative cryptocurrency (similar to Bitcoin), pegged to the Euro, and given solidity by being acceptable for paying taxes. This could be set up within a week or so, and used to pay pensions and public sector salaries. It would totally bypass the conventional banking system, and demonstrate once and for all that we don't need the Bankers debt-based money system.

Second, the Greeks could say that they will be happy to pay back (with interest) any creditor who could prove that they lent money that actually existed before the loan was made. Since the Commercial Banks that bought up Greek bonds use the standard opaque accounting system that hides the fact that most loans are made with money created out of thin air, they might have an exceedingly tough time demonstrating that they actually lent "real" money. I for one would just love to see them squirm trying to prove that we actually owe them anything! Can we have our €6.7 trillion back please?!

Finally, they could push for a solution that would not just work for the Greek economy, but for all the heavilly endetted nations in the Eurozone. It would involve diverting the €60 billion that Mario Draghi is currently printing every month for his friends in the financial sector, to paying off Eurozone public sector debt directly. By making payments that depended simply on the populations of each Eurozone country, it turns out that Germany would get out of debt only a few months before the Greeks. And the Greeks would be out of debt before the likes of France, Austria, Italy, Belgium and Ireland.

So, let me say it once more. Thank you Greece. This victory might just turn out to be a turning point in the history of humanity. I certainly hope so.

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